Rachel Michaelsen, LCSW, D-CEP
Ongoing Energy & Sound Healing Groups
I offer several energy and sound healing groups each week:
No experience required.
All groups meet via Zoom.
It’s best to have a headset or headphones for the sound parts of the experience.
Finding Calm
This group session guides your nervous system toward calm, ease, and resilience using Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology, and Sound Healing (using tuning forks and chimes).
This is a no-fee, one-hour drop-in group on Zoom.
We meet Mondays at 7 pm PT and Thursdays at 6 pm PT
You can come on time or late
You can leave early or stay the whole time
You can have your camera on or off
​ To get the link:
Clearing Blocks to Reaching Your Goals
with Energy & Sound Healing
If you want to accomplish the goals of your life, you have to begin with the spirit.
— Oprah
Do you have a life goal that you just aren’t attaining?
...or something else
Do you feel blocked from reaching your goal?
Are you ready to clear the blocks and start moving toward a more authentic life?
This group meets once a week for eight weeks.
We will:
Identify and clarify your personal goal
Focus and refine your understanding of your blocks
Clear away those blocks
Set a plan to move forward
We will use:
Energy Medicine & Energy Psychology techniques
Sound Healing
Safe, guided discussion
For info about start dates and fee, click here
To apply, respond to these three questions and send your answers to Rachel. (You’re also welcome to ask any other questions that you may have.)
What is your goal?
How far have you gotten towards reaching it?
What do you think underlies the block to attaining what you want?
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it.
— Rumi
Are you yearning to meet your life partner?
Do you feel blocked in reaching this goal?​
Are you ready to clear the blocks and invite love and companionship into your life?
This group meets once a week for eight weeks. Together we will:
Identify and clarify your relationship goal
Focus and refine your understanding of your blocks
Clear those blocks
Set up the space to attract your life partner
We’ll use:
Energy Medicine & Energy Psychology techniques
Sound Healing
Safe, guided discussion
For info about start dates and fee, click here
To apply, respond to these three questions and send your answers to Rachel. (You’re also welcome to ask any other questions that you may have.)
What is your relationship goal?
What unhealthy patterns have you noticed repeating themselves in your relationships, or in your search for a relationship?
What do you think underlies the block to you finding the relationship you want?

Unblocking the Path to Life Partnership
with Energy & Sound Healing